123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more


Shatika Turner@ 8:10pm 08-29-2016
Kendra!!!!!!!!! I love me some you!
L boog @ 4:22pm 07-22-2014
Keep doing ya thing bruh looking forward to reading them all!
SarSar@ 12:56pm 07-21-2014
So proud of you sis! No matter what you kept on and continue to keep pushing for your dreams! I'm in your corner always to push and support you! Love the website, keep up the good work sis! Because if you dont I have a foot for your butt!!!
Jacki@ 6:50am 07-20-2014
Loved your book and look forward to the sequel and more from you. Great characters and story. The stud culture is a reality so many folks never heard of and I am glad you youngbloods are proud and glad you are writing using your reality. The world is changing so fast for GLBT, thank God. My best wishes to you from the older generation. J
KayDay@ 4:29pm 03-06-2013
I'm working on a project that i'm looking for a crew. I think its something you'll be interested in. Reach out to me if you are interested. Thank you.